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The Angel Raphael

The Angel Raphael

Hello, beautiful souls! I'm Kelly Kolodney, and you've discovered the Master Ascension Light Code Transmissions channel. Here, I channel transformative light code activations to guide you on your spiritual ascension journey. With each transmission, I aim to elevate your consciousness, align you with higher vibrations, and awaken the divine essence within you. Whether you're just beginning your spiritual exploration or are an advanced seeker, this space is crafted with love and intention just for you. Be sure to subscribe and become part of our radiant community of light seekers.

Whether you participate in a free Ask an Angel conference call or upgrade your energy field with all of the Master Ascension Light Codes, I look forward to serving you. Raphael’s guidance can help you awaken your passion for life, find your purpose, and help you open to limitless possibilities for love, health, and abundance you deserve.

Visit my website for more information