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'Mahamevnawa' is a group of monasteries founded by Most Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera (Pinwath Loku Swamin Wahanse). Our goal is to teach people the original teachings of the Buddha based on the Tripitaka.

මහමෙව්නාව භාවනා අසපුව
චතුරාර්ය සත්‍යාවබෝධයට ධර්ම දේශනා
ගෞතම බුදු සසුන තුළ සනාතන රැකවරණය ලබමු.

This channel includes:
🌷 Sermons of Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera
🌷 Guided meditation instructions in Sinhala
🌷 Poems (Vandana Kavi) recited by Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera, highlighting the qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha
🌷 Chantings of the Paritta and Sutta
🌷 Events conducted by Mahamevnawa Monastery

You may subscribe to this channel if you wish to learn the original teachings of the Buddha for the realization of the Four Noble Truths, which help liberate us from all kinds of suffering.

Contact Info
Mahamevnawa Bhawana Asapuwa
Waduwawa, YatigalOluwa.
Sri Lanka

Phone: +94 37 22 44 602 / +94 37 729 4993
WhatsApp: +94742974674