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Timeless Wisdom

Timeless Wisdom

This channel shares insights and guided meditations to help you explore your self and experience the natural peace, joy, love, and happiness that arise from this understanding. Our content draws from the timeless teachings of great spiritual masters and simple, practical wisdom. Very much focused on the non-dual / Advaita Vedanta teachings but other teachings that have touched my heart are also shared.

Discover insights from Ramana Maharshi, Neem Karoli Baba, Mooji, Papaji, Louise Kay, Rupert Spira, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Rumi, and more. New content is posted weekly to inspire and support you.

Thank you so much for being here, I hope this channel serves you.

All feedback, comments, and anything you would like to share is extremely welcome. You can also contact me by email anytime at

Much love and blessings to all of you, wishing you a life full of peace, truth and love.

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