Fun & Interesting

Hmong Catholic Music Ministry

Hmong Catholic Music Ministry

In this channel, you will find:
1. Songs, prayers and hymns that praise God in the Catholic church in the Hmong language.
2. All contents in this Channel are copyrighted. No one is allowed to copy, duplicate, or redistribute any part of the contents for other uses without permission from the owner of this Channel. Thanks you.
Nyob rau hauv tshooj Youtube no:
1. Muaj nkauj teev ntuj, nkauj txhawb siab thiab tej zaj teev ntuj nyob hauv lub Koom Txoos Kav Tos Liv, los rau nej mloog, thiab txhawb nej sawv daws txoj kev ntseeg kom loj hlob tuaj.
2. Txhua yam muab nruab rau hauv no mas txwv tsis pub leej twg muab mus siv ua lwm yam yog tsis tau kev tso cai ntawm tus tswv tshooj channel no uas yog Choo Lis thiab Maiv Vab Yaj. Yog leej twg yuam cai muab tej txuj hauv no mus siv tsis raws kev raws cai mas yuav raug nplua.