I have been a player of Elite and Flight Simulator fan since the early 1980s. I bought my first computer, an Acorn Atom (fore-runner of the BBC-B micro) from a classmate for £150. His Mum also happened to have been in Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back!
My first simulator was on the Acorn Atom - It consisted of 2 screens, one with number read-outs for the instruments, and one of a black screen where two white dots eventually developed into 2 white lines depicting the runway! I moved on from this through the various incarnations of MSFS - today, I have a triple screen , a top end PC, yoke, throttles, and rudder pedals - my childhood dream, finally realised!
As for Elite - my journey started on the Sinclair Spectrum in '84. It was the game my friends and I played. After I stopped playing it, girls, college and cars took my attention and I missed most of the intervening versions, until Elite Dangerous was released and another childhood dream became reality.