Joshua named based on the inspiration of the Biblical figure Joshua Bin Nun, who was used by God to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land; where, as a "Generational Transition Figure," he was tasked with leading the new generation of Israelites born in the wilderness to enter, seize, and inherit Canaan as Yahweh / the LORD's gift to become the everlasting possession of Israel. Joshua Bin Nun's ministry foreshadowed the ministry of the Messiah named 'JESUS', which means 'Yahweh is my Savior'; who brought His people out of the enslavement of sin that oppresses and destroys, into true freedom and a powerful life abundant with grace, with the sure guarantee of entering heaven.
The 'New Revelation' received by Bishop JT from the Lord, regarding the 'Abundance of Grace and the Gift of Truth' through Jesus Christ, is likened to 'New Wine', and the Joshua Tewuh Channel is expected to become a 'New Wine Skin' and a vessel for proclaiming the Gospel of Grace and Truth in Indonesia.