RepairClinic has millions of replacement parts for appliances, lawn equipment, power tools, and heating & cooling equipment. Our customer care team is available to help by phone or live chat, 24 hours of the day 7 days a week: 1-800-269-2609. We guarantee the fastest shipping possible—all in-stock parts ship the same business day. Return any part for any reason with our generous 365-day return policy.
In addition to providing replacement parts, offers free online troubleshooting information and DIY repair videos. Use our website to choose from a series of problems to discover the likely causes and the correct replacement part(s) for your particular model. Once you’ve determined the solution, our expertly-produced video tutorials will guide you through every step of the repair.
At RepairClinic we make it easy to ⚙️ FIND. FIX. FINISH.🔧