I kept changing the name of my channel because a) there's a billion ASMR channels out there already, and b) I don't even really know what I'd be posting here and c) I don't think what I'd post would be any good. I kept thinking I should have a disclaimer as part of my channel name to warn people about that. But I listen to ASMR every night, and time and time again I would come across things in my life that I think would make good sounds for ASMR. Those things are usually things I find entertaining personally, or toys I like to collect, or just general items I have but don't need. Hence the channel name now, which describes who I am essentially--a hoarder of cute and mostly childish things. Hopefully the content (regardless of how poorly done it may be) will reflect that side of me. And hopefully along the way, it wouldn't all be bad and offend the essence of what ASMR is. If I do, please forgive me! It is not intentional. Just doing this for my own fun. Thanks!