Plant-Based Prepper (Plant Based Prepper)
I've been Plant-Based since 2010 and this is my Journey to become more Self Sufficient and Live Off the Grid someday Happy and Healthy! Statistically, preventable diseases are the #1 cause of death, followed by accidents, and then human threats so it started making more sense to make some lifestyle changes first. If we eat mostly plant based and go back to living off the land, it will drastically reduce the suffering we cause to ourselves, the animals and the planet by reducing our footprint so lets start there before we worry about everyone and everything else. I see the need to give more power back to the people to become self sufficient instead of giving them more convenience. I just hope my videos will inspire others to become healthier and more self sufficient as I do the same.
"Needs, I guess that's what bothers some folks, they keep expanding their needs until they are too dependent on too many things and too many other people" Dick Proenneke