Fun & Interesting

Rik Rocks

Rik Rocks

A digital platform to showcase Rik's World of Music - his Piano and Keyboard live stage performances in India and the UK, his hands-on experiences with composing music, sound recording, digital editing, mixing and mastering sessions.

Rik started learning keyboard at the age of 2 when we lived in USA. He enjoyed playing the keyboard and later took lessons from Art & Rhythm music school in Kolkata, India before joining Trinity College London for his Grade exams. By the age of 10, he had won music competitions in India and the UK, performed at various live events and became hands-on with recording, editing and mixing. He is now 14 and pursuing Trinity College London Grade 6 in Electronic Keyboard.

He is currently a lead keyboardist for 2 music bands in the UK. One is a Hampshire-based Bengali Band called "AANKORA" and the other is his high-school rock band "ARMADA".
Please subscribe to his channel and comment/share feedback on his videos to keep encouraging him in learning music.