~New videos every other Saturday 9 am EST.
► Hi I am the Cat Butler
The cats have me working very hard! If you are looking for educational cat content, cat pampering entertainment, or advice on how to prepare for your new cat please look no further!
► My Cat Store
○ Shop high quality modern cat products - thecatbutler.co
► Cat Food Recommendation
○ Smalls Fresh Cat Food - smalls.sjv.io/5gdnoo
► Ragdoll Breeder
○ Teemo and Arya's Breeder (Ragdoll) - ragdollsea.com/
► Teemo: An outgoing Cream Bicolor Ragdoll Boy that loves food, sometimes stealing food from his sister Arya. He always wants to cuddle!
► Arya: A shy Cream Bicolor Ragdoll Girl that is clumsy, but loves to climb all over the house!
If you have a request please leave a comment!