Dobro dosli na YouTube kanal Silvana’s Kitchen.
Ovde sam za vas da bi vam pomogla da spremate ukusna jela, na brz I jednostavan nacin. Recepti za peciva, kolace, pite, ruckove, pogace, I ostala domaci i po neka strana jela. Za sva pitanja, savjete ili pomoc u vezi spremanja bilo kojeg recepta, javite mi se u komentaru videa. Rado cu vam odgovoriti. Ako imate neku ideju ili zahtjev za video, posaljite mi predlog.
Ne zaboratite da se pretplatite da biste bili u toku svih mojih videa.
Veliki pozdrav i uzivajte.
Welcome to Silvana's Kitchen's YouTube channel.
I am here to help you make delicious meals, quickly and easily. Recipes for pastries, breads, cakes, and other traditional and international dishes. If you have any questions, or need assistance about any recipes, please let me know in the comments of the video. I'll be happy to answer. If you have any ideas or request for a video, please send me a suggestion.
Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with my other videos.