Fun & Interesting

John Emmanuel Music

John Emmanuel Music

Welcome to my YouTube channel. I am a devout Catholic striving to live daily, the will of God and to explore ways to share my love of the Catholic faith. I am also a member of the Carlo Acutis apostolate of Ireland.
Our world today is in need of people on fire with love for God and our church. I can only pray that I fulfil my little part in building Jesus Christs Kingdom here in the time He has given to me.
We all have abundant gifts and abilities bestowed upon us by Our Heavenly Father so the challenge is that we use and share them.

This channel is a small but significant part of my creative life. I am not here for mere self seeking but to share my voice, music and love for being Catholic.
If you have found this channel uplifting and inspiring then I would ask you to please support it by prayer. You can further help by subscribing, commenting and liking.
God bless you
John Emmanuel

God Bless you ALL for your support and prayers.
John Emmanuel X