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Way Of Salafiyyah

Way Of Salafiyyah

ABOUT US : The Way Of Salafiyyah Academy was Established in the year 2015. The Way Of Salafiyyah is An Authentic Islamic Education Centre In Hyderbad, India which Aims to Educate The General Muslims In the light of Quran and Sunnah.

AIM : Our Main Aim is to Spread the True Knowlegde of Islam In The Light of Quran and Sahih Hadith. We aim to Promote Tawheed and shatter the Shirk and Biddah in the best possible manners. We Educate the Muslims with the help of true scholars of Islam. We work hard to bring up the Short & Long Term courses that helps the student to become closer to Allah (SWT). Various courses have been held which helped thousands of students across india and abroad to acquire beneficial islamic knowledge. We Convey the message of Islam in a way that softens hearts, opens minds, and leads to a true understanding of the faith.