Fun & Interesting

Love Marcia

Love Marcia

Hi & welcome to my channel Love Marcia. :)

I think about how I can make the viewers watch my videos. I think of what is going to make people interested. But after all of it I realized about the whole purpose why I created my channel. It is because I want to create memories, I want to be able to look back and see what I’ve done in my life. All those simple things, the projects, the travels and what I’m interested of doing that day in my life. That’s why I made another youtube channel (this channel) because I want it to be genuine and just be who I am. 😊

I love the feeling everytime I’m done making a vlog. It’s not professionally made, it has errors with spellings, bad lightings, music doesn’t fit with the videos sometimes, but I love it. 🫶🏻 I love life and the memories I make everyday.

I hope you like my vlogs and find it inspiring. 😊