阿蕉媽MM爸育有兩名小孩, 大M和小M。我們一家熱愛戶外活動, 特別是行山及玩水。
我們希望利用此頻道紀錄我們的遊記, 包括行山和旅遊 -希望分享有用資訊給愛好戶外活動及愛護大自然的你。
* 合作聯絡 : Gmail : smallfootxbw@gmail.com
18/6/2023 5000 subscribers
16/3/2024 8000 subscribers
2/6/2024 16000 subscribers
5/7/2024 20000 subscribers
28/10/2024 30000 subscribers
20/3/2025 46000 subscribers
歡迎贊助大小M的教育基金, 支持我們的努力!
Payme: payme.hsbc/jammchannel
MM爸 - 熱愛行山及航拍
阿蕉 - 熱愛行山及水上活動
大M是位10歲男生, 喜歡攝影和行山。
小M是位8歲女生, 口齒伶俐, 最愛說笑及大笑。
* 合作聯絡 : Gmail : smallfootxbw@gmail.com
* Instagram:@jammchannel
* Facebook: www.facebook.com/jammchannel
We are a family of four from Hong Kong, Justin, Aliana (Jiu Jiu), Martin and Margaret. Martin is 10 years old and Margaret is 8 years old. We love outdoor activities especially hiking and kayaking. We are happy to share the interesting places that we've been. Justin enjoys flying his drone with DJI Mini while Jiu Jiu takes other shots with Go Pro.