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Russian News in California & West USA / Калифорния

Russian News in California & West USA / Калифорния

Новости Калифорнии на русском и языках стран постсовесткого пространства.
Мы обсуждаем местную жизнь, знакомимся с людьми, восхищаемся природой и изучаем историю.

Russian California (California in Russian) is an online portal of Californian news in English, Russian, and other languages of the post-Soviet space.

The audience of Russian California (California in Russian) numbers several hundred visitors to the site per day.

We try to talk about California and other states in Western America in Russian and want to show a different Russian World without aggression and imperial ambitions.

In the world, the Russian language is understood by 400-500 million people (according to the Russian Academy of Sciences according to research in 2005).

According to the Census Bureau, there are several million Russian-speaking residents in the United States.

Approx. more than 1,100,000 Russian-speaking residents living in California.