চন্দ্রপাড়া পাক দরবার শরিফ (অফিসিয়াল)
Ya Allahu ! Ya Rahmanu !! Ya Rahim !!!
The Chandrapara Pak Darbar Sharif is a Holy place of Faridpur district. Millions of followers come to this Holy place of sufism in order to learn spiritual knowledge. Especially, how to purify one’s soul, how to make one’s heart alive and how to achieve SALAT-E-HUZURI (dedication in prayer).
The Chandrapara Pak Darbar Sharif is the holy DARBAR (court) of the age-best great man, crown-gem of the devotee, Sultanul-Awlia (leader of the all spiritual leaders), the reformer of the age, Hazrat Mawlana Shah Sufee Syed Abul Fazal Sultan Ahmad (Ra.) Chandrapuri Naqshbandi Mozaddedee; he is the bearer of SIRAJAM MUNIRA, spiritual instructor, the great reformer of this age. The followers learn practical and spiritual methodology of meditation and prayer from here.