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素人教煮 Glam Veggie -Priscilla Lam 素食

素人教煮 Glam Veggie -Priscilla Lam 素食

Priscilla Lam 素人教煮,全家茹素。曾於藍帶廚藝學校修畢西式素菜烹飪課程,亦於各地修讀過日、韓、泰等廚藝課程,希望可以將各國特式烹調方法用於素菜創作之中。
這是一個無五辛的素食烹飪視頻~~~「教煮頻道」我會不定期出一些簡單易煮,無五辛的素食烹飪視頻。請多多支持!❤️ #素食食譜 #簡單素食 #無五辛素食 #素食 #料理 #素食人士 #自家煮 #健康飲食

Priscilla —- I has been a vegetarian for more than 30 years. I have completed a Western vegetarian cooking course at Le Cordon Bleu, and has also taken Japanese, Korean and Thai cooking courses in various places.
I like to share with you easy and creative vegetarian dishes.

This is a channel about my own cooking. there are videos and shorts about easy Chinese / Asian style vegetarian cooking, including techniques and recipes, so please stay tune so as to try cook some easy but yummy dishes youself.

