In which a not-actually-peer-of-the-realm waffles rubbish about bits of history as and when it pleases him. And possibly whiskey too.
I have been known to use very bad language, especially when talking about Nazis, both historical and cuntent [sic] so be advised
Discussion and disagreements are fine but be aware that Jenkins does the house keeping here, he is an excellent shot, and a man of few compunctions so if you are unpleasant or troll people do not be surprised if he forcibly removes you
If you are so minded, you can always email me at, and I may or may not respond depending on time and inclination
I also have a Patreon for anyone who's super interested, with its own Discord server for members. You can find it here
If you would like to know more about my Avatar - he is the 7th Earl of Shaftsbury, one of the great reformers of his age -,_7th_E…