Fun & Interesting

Ted Nichols

Ted Nichols

As a percussionist I have been teaching all aspects of percussion for the last 44 years. I currently teach percussion at Salisbury University and have led world drum ensembles for the last 10 years. In 2005, I traveled to Ghana with the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Jazz Band while teaching percussion at UMES. I studied the local African music and developed a passion for ethnic drumming. My performance experience includes: The American Spiritual Ensemble, T & T Percussion, Salisbury Symphony Orchestra and the Chris English Blues Band.

Rhythms from many word cultures will be included in the classes and drum circles. These include: West African drumming, Brazilian samba band, Taiko drumming, Capoeira, Latin American styles and found percussion including drywall buckets, trashcans, etc. They will be not limited to these styles because I incorporate many other instruments including cajons, drum set and traditional percussion instruments.