Fun & Interesting

FNACodys 2: The Sequal

FNACodys 2: The Sequal

"FNACodys" (Born January 20th, 2006) is a French-Canadian aspiring content creator, aiming to make a mix of variety content with topics such as Friday Night Funkin', Pillar Chase 2, Source Filmmaker animations, recording highlights, and more. He is also, behind the scenes, an aspiring yet independent writer creating his own lore and characters, dubbing it all collectively as "FurrVerse". The character frequently used in his thumbnails is his main avatar, referred to as "The Furry", who is a God-like entity in FurrVerse who decides most fates for his characters as well as still being an interactive character himself.

I'd like for you to keep in mind that a chunk of my channel is for ages 13+, but that doesn't matter too much.

And one more thing: I do not take requests for FNF covers. If there's a request of any sort, that comment will be ignored.

Thank you and enjoy.