Fun & Interesting

The Crafty Gal Carla

The Crafty Gal Carla

Hello Lovely People,

The Crafty Gal here! In this channel I will share the how to's of all my favorite crafts from Holiday decor, to baking and pastry, and ton of other DIY's! My entire life I have always felt the need to customize everything I have. If I had the choice to buy something simple or make it, I have always preferred to make it myself! Well as you may already know, sometimes DIY's can be quite the disaster and do not always turn out as planned. With this said, in these videos my goal is to hopefully save you from some possible DIY disasters and instead show you how to create beautiful creations without breaking your bank in the process! I hope these projects will inspire you to create as much they have inspired me!

Thanks for stopping by! Now, let's create!

The Crafty Gal Carla