Fun & Interesting



علي الرفاعي مصور ومخرج منذ اكثر من ٢٠ سنة متخصص في مجال الإعلانات التجارية وتصوير لايف ستايل و البورترية
عمل مع العديد من الشركات ووكالات الإعلان العالمية والمحلية في البحرين، السعودية، الإمارات، قطر والكويت

قدم العديد من الورش التدريبية في المنطقة مع شركات التصوير العالمية في مجالات مختلفة

Ali Alriffai is a Bahraini and award-winning professional commercial and lifestyle photographer.

Over the past twenty years, his work gained him the reputation of being one of the most respected and influential photographers and instructors in the region.

With a career that includes well over hundreds of commercial assignments, Ali has built an extensive and reputable portfolio containing work done for clients ranging from giants in the telecommunication and finance industries to national campaigns, sports, fashion, fine art, and editorials. While away from his cameras, he conducts local and regional workshops.