Billye Brim's Christian heritage is rich. She sensed the call of God in early childhood. However, it was only after an encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1967, that she as a young wife and mother of four began to follow Him to walk out her call. For almost ten years she served as Editor of Publications for Kenneth E. Hagin Ministries where she also taught at Rhema Bible Training Center.
"Helping Pray-ers" is a God-given directive in her life. One place this happens is at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri. This place was created to "pray in the plans of God and stop the strategies of the devil." On 200 plus acres log cabins provide places for individual prayer or small prayer groups. Corporate prayer meetings are held twice a week in the chapel. On Wednesdays at 12 Noon Central Time, the meeting is streamed live in more than 60 nations. Several thousand pray-ers from around the world gather annually in Branson for an Autumn Assembly of Prayer she hosts.