A Fun Family of FOUR. You may NEED something for A(any member of our family) Nedd OR you may need something from (A)licia Nedd...either way we are here to motivate, inspire and entertain.
Hamlett- Husband, Father, Hard working Tik Tok Creator
Alicia- wife, mom, everything in between. Full-time caregiver to Lourdess. Part-time content creator, editor, vlogger becoming an influencer. Makes videos outlining Lo's progress, how-to, cooking, travel and more!
Kalicia- young adult, college student, funner. Living life to the fullest. Makes appearances in videos when her schedule allows.
Lourdess- sweet heart, our baby girl, our channels biggest inspiration. Makes appearances in most if not all videos. Allows us to show her life as a kid with cerebral palsy meeting milestones a little bit at a time.
We make videos about everything. We are not a family who likes being boxed in. We love to share our lives while inspiring others. Subscribe, its FREE!