Fun & Interesting



AVA 攝影教室是由 Andy Sir, 信師傅, 毛巾Sir, Heidi Miss, Philip Fung, Joey Pong 所組成﹐志在以多角度進行視覺藝術創作及教學。AVA成員重視團體精神﹐我們藉著團體創作得到個人藝術及技術的成長。報名熱線:- whatsapp 5500 5549

Andy Sir 為世界著名攝影家﹐尤以沙龍攝影及視覺藝術廣得國際認同。Andy Sir 堅信創作不應該受到攝影既定形式的束縛﹐多年來以其對視覺藝術的感悟發展在多個層面上。早期憑其黑白及彩色攝影作品多次贏得世界攝影十傑之榮﹐近年更接受英國皇家攝影學會(RPS)邀請成為首位海外華人視覺藝術名銜評委﹐以及應美國攝影學會(PSA)邀請擔任教育委員。曾經為香港科技大學本科生教授藝術及創意課程﹐致力培育下一代的實踐性和創造力。

Andy Sir is a worldly renowned photographer who has been highly reputated for his International Salon and Visual Arts. Andy believes that the art of photography should not be limited in certain forms, he has been eager to express his visual arts by various means. Andy has been international awarded Top 10 by PSA at earlier years, then became the only RPS overseas Chinese juror in Visual Arts, and also a committee member of PSA. Lately, Andy teaches at UST for undergraduate art & creativity curriculum in the aim to enhance the execution and creativity of new generations.