Fun & Interesting

Floyd Steinberg

Floyd Steinberg

Hi, I'm a synthesizer and computer nerd posting synthesizer and computer related videos and music on YouTube. Take any information given on this channel with a grain of salt, there's always someone who knows better. If you are that person, please feel free to share your knowledge in the comments of my videos!

Current studio setup: Yamaha EX5, Novation Peak, Akai MPC One, Yamaha Reface DX, Kasser Synths Blaster, Alabs Cetus, Strymon Iridium, ZOOM MSCDR-70+, ZOOM R20, ZOOM R4, GRID, DONNER N-25, Gamechanger Audio Motor Synth MK2, Woovebox, Easyplay 1s, QUN MK2, Zynthian 5, Yamaha MU2000 EX & MU15, Neutral Labs Elmyra, Wavy Industries Monkey