Fun & Interesting

Beersheba Church

Beersheba Church


Our assembly is one of the sister assemblies of The Indigenous Churches in India Trust in the pattern established through the labour & ministry of Brother Bakht Singh, India.

Our desire is to put into practice and hold the tradition which we have been taught by our spiritual fathers through their life, teaching and ministry. (2 Thes 2:15)

On the Lord's Day (Sunday), our ministry encourages individual worship by saints, encompassed around the Lord's Table, and exhortation through the Word of God for salvation and spiritual growth. Children & youth have exclusive sessions on the Lord's Day.

Added to this, we have Weekly Bible Study, Church Prayer, Sister's Ministry, Fasting & Prayers, Cottage meetings in various homes. Saints with specific burdens come to take part for Daily Morning Prayers. As a Church we witness in the neighborhood and go out-stations as well for gospel once a month, with the Lord's enablement.

Yours in Christ,
Church at Beersheba.