Dr S Jayasree Veterinarian
I, Dr S Jayasree ,. Winner of Best Veterinarian Award 2024 of Indian Veterinary Association Kerala, is now working as Veterinary Surgeon under Government of Kerala . I am having 24 years of experience ,also doing Veterinary Private Consultation in my home after the office hours.I graduated from College of Veterinary and AnimalSciences Mannuthy.Kerala,.I have taken two PG Diplomas ,ie in One health and small animal medicine.
Veterinary practice is my passion and I love to work in Animal Husbandry sector.On account of meritorious work I was awarded as Best Veterinary Surgeon of Kerala in 2015 & 2024, Inspiring professional Award 2024, Sargaprathibha Award 2024,District level Appreciation Awards of KGVOA & IVA and got special appreciation award From Animal Husbandry Department.
This channel is related to Animal husbandry Sector about cattle ,buffalo , goat Poultry & Pet animals like Dogs & Cats. Here I shall upload informative videos about various subjects experience stories