Fun & Interesting

Kudos Billiards

Kudos Billiards

H o m e o f B i l l i a r d C o n t e n t 🎱 🇵🇭
“Anything & everything about Billiards”

I’m Kuya Al! 🧢(Kuya in Filipino means older brother) I upload about the fun and challenges of being a billiard business hall owner, I upload billiard matches, I visit pool halls, I also review and sell cue sticks and billiard accessories, I review billiard tables, and do some drills/tutorials and etc…. 🎱

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#Negosyongbilyaran #business #maxima7 #maxima8 #magkano #billiardtable
#Xingjue #billiardtable #manila #philippines #business #efrenreyes