Fun & Interesting

BVS - Foundation Vocal

BVS - Foundation Vocal

Hi! I'm Kegan from Foundation Vocal Studio. I help singers go from ZERO range to the range of their DREAMS so that they can sing BETTER than ever before - so you can make that album, join that band, audition for that band, record that song, go out and play live and live your best life as a singer.

My original channel Bohemian Vocal Studio was so powerful that google actually CANCELLED it. Yep, no joke - in 2023, google cancelled my coaching channel because the clear, succinct, practical advice I give was a challenge to the massive 1m subscriber channels out that that give you absolutely NOTHING, but bring in MILLIONS of dollars in advertising revenue from sucking your precious time and attention away from singing, so that you spend more time on YouTube.

Fuck YouTube - stop clicking and start actually SINGING by hit this link to my studio now -…