Fun & Interesting

More Than Skin Deep

More Than Skin Deep

Dr Conor Boylan, MBChB, BSc (Hons), MSc, MRCS Ed

Learning anatomy at Med School is undeniably difficult. Unfortunately, however, you don't get much of a choice about it. When you’re a clinician, you’ll look rather silly if you mix up your mammary gland with your iliotibial band, your axilla with your maxilla, your pollex with your… well, you get the point.

But let’s be honest, most medical students don’t know their olecranon process from their ischial tuberosity.

More Than Skin Deep is an anatomy video series delivered by Dr Conor Boylan, a UK-based medical doctor and surgical trainee with a BSc degree in Human anatomy.

Join me for regular tutorials covering the breadth and depth of human anatomy at an undergraduate level.

- Conor