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Hazrat WASIF ALI WASIF Official

Hazrat WASIF ALI WASIF Official

"There was a time when Sufism was a reality without a name, and today there is a name without a reality."
This phrase, selected from "Kashf al-Mahjoob", draws man's attention to the modern acquaintance with Sufism and its spirit, because in it lies man's survival

Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif's Astana is like a lamp in the dark night which becomes the letter of reality and presents the intellectual and practical form of Sufism. Those who benefit from this astana do not see the way beyond the Shari'ah. On the contrary, according to Wasif Sarkar, the example of "Tariqat is actually Shariat with love" is keeping itself attached to it.

I am a lamp-stained head, I burn with passion in the evening

Those who are looking for a magic will ever come to me

The purpose of this channel is to present the precise and complex ideas of Sufism in an understandable way through the teachings of Hazrat WASIF ALI WASIF r.a.