Fun & Interesting

8th Day Chronicles

8th Day Chronicles

A small family farm located in the beautiful Appalachian mountains of western North Carolina. We practice sustainable farming methods and raise some farm livestock. We also produce quality mixed grass/legume's hay and are constantly striving to improve our quality hay production. Our goal is to produce the best quality mixed grass (mostly Orchard) and legume hay in our area. We produce and sell high quality hay in small round bales that average around 45-50# each. We strongly believe in being good stewards of our land and animals.

Disclaimer! Our channel at 8th Day Chronicles / Cross Timbers Farm is for entertainment purposes only. Any methods, techniques, resources used are for entertainment purposes only and we do not make any claims regarding the safety of techniques, equipment, resources or information used in our videos. If you use any of our information or techniques we assume no liability whatsoever to your safety or outcome, you assume your own risks, property and bodily!