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Caweyska Dalmar

Caweyska Dalmar

Caweyska Dalmar waa Hoyga Fanka iyo Suugaanta Soomaaliyeed, 18+ Sanno baanu YouTube ka hawl galeynay. Waxaad ka helaysa channelkan Kaydka ugu badan kaydka Fanka & Suuganta ee YouTube. Filimo gagaaban, riwayado & ciyaraha dhaqanka & hiddaha. Waxaad kale helaysa dhaqamada wadamada deriska. Ku Xidhnow Caweyska Dalmar, nagu soo darso -Subscribe. Mahadsanid

Welcome to our channel! we I've been creating videos on YouTube for 18+ years. I've seen a lot of changes in the platform over the years, but one thing has remained the same: my passion for creating content.

Our channel is one of the original YouTube Somali Channels; We joined on 2nd November 2006. We have the biggest Somali music collections on YouTube, biggest Somali Classic music & Dhaanto collections. Our updated playlists make it easy for you to find your favorite singer/band. We also have a non-Somali video from Afar, Sudan, and others. Please Subscribe.