አትሮኖስ Atronos
በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ አሜን፡፡
በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስቲያን ዶግማ፣ቀኖና እና ትውፊት ጠብቀው የተጻፉ መጽሃፍትን በድምጽ የሚያቀርብ ቻናል ነው፡፡ በኢንተርኔት አትሮኖሳችንን ዘርግተናል፡፡እርስዎም ጌዜ ቦታ ሳይገድብዎ ቅዱሳን መጻህፍትን በድምጽ ያንብቡ!
...የእግዚአብሔር፡መንፈስ፡ያለበት፡መጽሐፍ፡ዅሉ፡ለትምህርትና፡ለተግሣጽ፥ልብንም፡ለማቅናት፥በጽድቅም፡ላለው፡ምክር፡ደግሞ፡ይጠቅማል።(2ኛ ጢሞ 3፡17)
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen.
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church is a channel that presents audio books written in keeping with dogma, canon and tradition. We have spread our Atronos on the Internet. You can also read the Holy Scriptures without being limited by space!
...every book in which the Spirit of God is, is useful for teaching and reproof, for correcting the heart, and for righteous advice. (2 Timothy 3:17)