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Manish Singh Official

Manish Singh Official

Hello Friends , This is Manish Singh , I am playback Singer of Hindi & Bhojpuri . Along with me I am also a disciple of lord Shiva , So you can listen to the discussion of my Guru Shiva from my channel, besides folk Song , Devi geet song, Chhath geet song , Chaiti Song , my latest stage programme show or mostly Devotional Song .So I respect the all people who subscribe the my channel .I hoped you all of you enjoying it my channel. If you are interested, you love music , then welcome to my channel. you can also release your songs from my channel. music is life, I pray once again to all the people associated with music. And I bow my heart to the person who believed in my Guru Shiva . you can contact with us : Whats-app Mob : 9971209072 , Email : ,आप सब से निवेदन है,चैनल को सब्सक्राइब और शेयर कीजिये और अपना आशीर्वाद जरूर दीजिये ।।
किसी भी तरह का प्रोग्राम करने के लिए आप फोन कर सकते है
:- 9971209072 (whatsapp).