G'day railway enthusiasts!
My name is Jamie, the creator of the YouTube channel. I film all kinds of trains in the state of Victoria, Australia. My goal for this channel is to bring awareness to Victoria's rich railway history as well as make an awesome video for you to watch.
On this channel you will find:
• Heritage tours
• Trainspotting videos
• Freight trains
• Special movements
• Train vlogs
• Documentaries
Around the age of 6, my passion for trains began. Ever since I started watching YouTube, I have wanted a channel of my own, to connect with the world and do what makes me happy. On February 6th 2022, Victorian Rails joined YouTube.
So go! Have a watch of some of my videos, but remember, if you like what you see maybe consider subscribing to the channel so you never miss an upload, liking the video and leaving any feedback or thoughts in the comment section of the video!
Kind regards,
Jamie Furjan 2024