Fun & Interesting

KVProduction Chalasia

KVProduction Chalasia

KV Production is a Hmong entertainment company founded in Fresno, CA.

Cov movie nej pom no, peb yuav muaj tawm sai sai tom ntej no los muag rau nej coj mus saib tom vaj tom tsev sai sai no. Yog leej twg xav tau, hu tuaj rau peb, peb yuav xav tau rau nej saib li saib tau. Cov movie no yog ib co movie zoo zoo saib xwb. Ua tsaug.

We edit videos of Kwj Txhiaj, Yos Hav Zoov, Ncig Teb Chaws, and sponsor various Hmong singers from Laos and China.

Please look forward to upcoming videos to be released soon at a store near you!

KV Production.
To order, contact: (209) 261-0288
Yog xav tau, hu rau peb tus xov tooj, peb yuav xav tau rau nej.