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Yeryüzünün Renkleri

Yeryüzünün Renkleri

Farklı diyarlar ve kültürler bu kanalda olacak. Adım adım dünyayı turlayacağız. 160 civarında ülkeyi dolaşmış ve bunları seyircisine aktarmış yılların deneyimli yapımcı ve sunucusu Saim Orhan'la yeni coğrafyalara adım atacak ve hep birlikte dünyamızı daha iyi tanıyacağız.
Nice seyahatlere.
Saim Orhan is the producer and host of Turkey's longest aired and most popularly watched TV Tour & Travel show, Ayna.
He filmed episodes in more than 160 countries around the world. He brought many different cultures, geographies and lives onto the screen.
According to a study conducted by a research company, Orhan is among Turkey's favorite top 6 TV hosts.
According to the international TV ratings company, Saim Orhan's program was the most popularly watched TV show in its own tour & travel field within Turkey. The producer and host of the show, Saim Orhan, has been awarded tens of awards from several universities, educational institutions, associations, state and private organizations.