Fun & Interesting

Sir Kitten

Sir Kitten

Welcome on Sir Kitten.

Im creating cinematic massive battles mostly in Ultra Epic Battle Simulator 2.
Each battle takes many hours of planning to provide a unique viewing experience.
There are several types of battles I create:

- Fantasy Battles
- Medieval And History Battles
- Fun Battles Using Super Units Or Units With Crazy Connections
- Exclusive Self Modded units

I want provide unique wars, battles. Every single unit is re-created by me i mean:

- Health Points
- Attack Speed
- Damage
- Range

Thanks to the game that allows you to create your own combinations i created already:

- Fi-Rex, Orc Shaman, Magic Sword Knights, Blessed Spartans even Zombies With Guns.

My uniqie value in videos are quality of graphics, list of things that i added to game:

- High dynamic range imaging
- Precise curves
- Fov increased by 8%
- High Dynamic Range
- Game Colours Changed Thanx to Tint Filter
- New Lighting Effects Added
- More light rays

Video Self Edits: