Fun & Interesting

Alan David

Alan David

A little about me:
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Family is Life
👾Nerd by trade (IT/Cyber Security/Gaming)
⚾️🏀🏈🏒Sports Feen (SD/LA/SF/LV)
🎵Musician at heart
🎨Graphic Designer wanna-be
🐷Foodie by Nature

This channel is aimed to please all things to better yourself.. From how-to's and tips on anything health and fitness such as recipes, food hacks, training and workout sessions, to reviews on food and drink, I hope this channel may benefit those that have perused enough to stumble upon my life.

🥃 BUY ME A SHOT OF WHISKEY (OR WHISKY - whichever works for you):

🐷 For more foodie shenanigans, visit a "passion project" I have going with a few of my bros at Bastos Baboys: