Fun & Interesting



Hi all. I am enthusiast from Ukraine and I am a motorcyclist to the core. Since childhood, when I first saw a poster with Arnie on Fat Boy at my dad’s work, I love two-wheeled vehicles. And I have always loved making videos, this is my main hobby. I decided to reunite these hobbies into one - my video blog…

Welcome to a "WierdBike"

P.s. And yes, I know... a lot of people notice the "weird narration" and, you know, it's actually funny, because this is "wIErdbike" - everything here is weird! In fact, I simply cannot now, under current conditions, finish learning English thoroughly and deliver a good speech - taught times we have here… But the voice is mine, the content is mine! Enjoy watching everyone.

UPD: music, narration, video edit, previews are WEIRD because it's "wIErdbike"