Dr. Amy - Cancer Expert & Cancer Survivor
You can completely recover from cancer. I’m living proof!
Helping thousands of women diagnosed with cancer, I've discovered exactly what you need for recovery, remission and radical weight loss.
Life has offered me a unique view into cancer care. With over 13 years of clinical experience, a Doctorate Degree Focusing in Cancer Care (University of Toronto, College of Pharmacy), and as a STAGE 3 Cancer Survivor, I truly understand what it's like to go through cancer.
But now - there are many days when I find it hard to believe that I ever had cancer at all.
Whenever you’re ready, here are the 2 best ways I can help you…
1) “Your A-Z Guide to Staying Cancer Free”
Click HERE : bit.ly/azcancerfree
2) Apply for the Cancer Freedom Program. If you are ready to skip the line and get started with a customized cancer recovery plan, then apply for The Cancer Freedom Program.
Click HERE - bit.ly/CFPYT