Fun & Interesting

Official Yank Nation

Official Yank Nation

The Yank Nation Movement consist of 3 (Y)oung (A)nointed (N)ew (K)ings named Warren Brown (Leader), Shawn Brown (Drummer) & Clarence Raeford III (Bass Guitarist). YANK = Young Anointed New Kings

The meaning of "yank" is to pull with a sudden force & the meaning of "nation" is a large aggregate of people. So when you put them together, you get the meaning behind the movement. "Pull (yank) the people (nation) back to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the anointed gifts and talents he has blessed us with."

We also use the word "yank" as a noun. Example: "Get The People In The Yank!" (meaning get the people in the video.)