Fun & Interesting

Chickens in my garden

Chickens in my garden

Sharing fascinating facts, hints and tips about caring for chickens, and the sheer pleasure and fun of chickens!
Hi! I’m Sheryl, and I have chickens in my garden. If that sounds like an introduction to Chickens Anonymous, that is appropriate, because chickens are addictive! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
When I first got chickens, over seven years ago, I worked out how many eggs we ate in a week, did the maths, and decided we needed two-and-a-half chickens. Well, I didn’t get two-and-a-half chickens, I got five. And over the years I have never had as few as five chickens again. Right now I have fifteen - there always seems to be a good excuse to get another chicken.
Over the years I've learned a lot about chickens, what works for me, and the sheer joy of watching baby chicks develop, hatch and grow into happy healthy hens.
I hope you enjoy the videos I share, and find them useful. I share videos when I have something to say, so Subscribe to my channel so you find out when there's something new.