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Danny's Aquariums

Danny's Aquariums

Aquariums are my passion. I want to share my passion with you and teach you about all the life that lives in our fish tanks. Be sure to hit subscribe to be notified when I release a new video - It's free!

Discover tips on reef tank setup, lighting, and maintenance, and learn how to keep coral. Explore the best corals and saltwater fish, and get insights on topics like reef tank filtration, water parameters, and cycling. Join me as I tackle reef tank algae control, aquascaping, and equipment setups, including no filtration, no skimmer, no sump builds.

Danny's Aquariums is sponsored by Fritz Aquatics, one of America's leading water quality product manufacturers for aquarium, pond, water garden and aquaculture hobbyists and professionals. As a Brand Ambassador, you'll learn much more about their products by watching my content as we work together on future projects!