Fun & Interesting

Cosmic Resort

Cosmic Resort

Thank you for visiting COSMIC RESORT!
As a visual artist I created Cosmic Resort Project to visualize different ambience and environments
to create a relaxing feeling and joy with the help of visuals and sound effects.
In this project I am inspired by the idea of ontological design, which can be summarized by:
- Everything we design, Designs us back.
- We create our surroundings and our surroundings shape us back.
So by desinging such experiences in this channel, Cosmic Resort Project aims to create a sense in viewers which can bring the BEST IN US.

With the help of variety of different softwares from 3d to 2d, I spent days/weeks for the creation of each video. You can turn our ambient videos on anytime during the day and think, meditate, study or sleep while watching.

Now relax and let Cosmic Resort to take you to best places to bring the best of you...
***And most importantly: I really would love to hear your ideas and comments. Thanks for travelling with us! ^_^