Kabir Is God is providing information related to Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj through Satsang Videos, Shabad, Katha Etc.
Who is Kabir ?
Kabir is “ Supreme God”. He is the father of every soul present in this kaal brahm's universe. He comes in all the four yugas, gives us true spiritual knowledge about how to attain complete salvation and how to cure the disease of birth and death.
जगतगुरु तत्त्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी से निःशुल्क नाम दीक्षा लेने के लिए कृपया यहा click "नामदीक्षा के लिए सम्पर्क करें" करे .
For taking initiation from Jagatguru Tatavdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj free of cost, please click on "नामदीक्षा के लिए सम्पर्क करें"👇🏻